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20011022: WSI to IDD pqact entries
- Subject: 20011022: WSI to IDD pqact entries
- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 18:54:42 -0600
>From: "Neil R. Smith" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Texas A&M
>Keywords: 200110222221.f9MML2104153 LDM pqact NNEXRAD WSI
>Anyone know where to look to figure out how to convert
>WSI satellite ldm pqact.conf entries to pqact.conf entries for
>an ldm ingesting nids off of the IDD?
Here is an example of the FILE action we use for all NEXRAD Level III
products in the IDD:
# NEXRAD feedtype,
NEXRAD ^SDUS5. .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
FILE -close
The things to note in this action are:
o keying on the '/p' portion of the header
o using the two fields in the '/p' action to get the NEXRAD station ID
and product type
The first three character group in '/p' is the product name (e.g., N0R,
NVL, NTP, etc.); the second character group in '/p' is the three
character station ID (e.g., FTG, GLD, BIS, etc.).
>At least I presume
>that's what I need because I see that the product naming
>scheme for the NNEXRAD and WSI feed types are different.
The correspondence between the WSI and NOAAPORT product naming schemes
BREF1 N0R Base Reflectivity at Tilt 1
BREF2 N1R Base Reflectivity at Tilt 2
BREF3 N2R Base Reflectivity at Tilt 3
BREF4 N3R Base Reflectivity at Tilt 4
VEL1 N0V storm radial velocity at tilt 1
VEL2 N1V storm radial velocity at tilt 2
VEL3 N2V storm radial velocity at tilt 3
VEL4 N3V storm radial velocity at tilt 4
TOPS NET Echo Tops
VIL NVL Vertically Integrated Liquid water
PRE1 N1P 1-hour Precip Totals
PRET NPT Storm Total Precipitation
CREF16 NCR 16 level composite reflectivity, 125 nm range
SRMV1 N0S storm relative radial velocity at tilt 1
SRMV2 N1S storm relative radial velocity at tilt 2
SRMV3 N2S storm relative radial velocity at tilt 3
BRLR1 N0Z 248 nm Base Reflectifity
LREF1 N0L layer reflectivity at tilt 1
LREF2 N1L layer reflectivity at tilt 2
LREF3 N2L layer reflectivity at tilt 3
>I *have* been successful converting GREF, VEL, and SRMV
>Thanks, -Neil
>Neil R. Smith, Comp. Sys. Mngr. address@hidden
>Dept. Atmospheric Sci., Texas A&M Univ. 979/845-6272 FAX:979/862-4466
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
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