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20010705: stations/bulletins missing from NOAAPORT TG
- Subject: 20010705: stations/bulletins missing from NOAAPORT TG
- Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 09:13:13 -0600
>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: Universite du Quebec a Montreal
>Keywords: 200107041459.f64Exc122205 IDD
Christian Page of Universite du Quebec a Montreal has reported the lack
of several Canadian and French surface stations from NOAAPORT TG. I
remember that you once contacted someone back in NWS for Peter Neilley
about FAA604 stations that should be added to DDPLUS, so I thought you
might be able to send Christian's wish list to the same person.
The interesting twist to all of this is Christian can find the missing
stations listed through a NOAA web page. Christian's emails and my
responses are included below.
In addition to missing surface stations, Christian has reported on several
bulletins that are also not in NOAAPORT.
------- Forwarded Message - First email
From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 09:51:17 -0600
To: Christian Page <address@hidden>
Subject: 20010704: LFMK METAR not on IDD?
>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: Universite du Quebec a Montreal
>Keywords: 200107041459.f64Exc122205 IDD
>Some international METAR stations are not in my surface files processed with
>LDM with this pqact.conf config:
># International sfc obs and specials in hourly files yymmddhh_sao.wmo
>WMO ^S[AP].... .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
> STDIOFILE \n data/surface/sao/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2_sao.wmo
>By example, I cannot find any obs for LFMK station.
>But if I go to the NWS, I can find it:
>Is it a problem in my config or it is not routed through IDD?
I can't find observations for LFMK on any system I have ADDE access to,
and this includes at least one machine that is getting the full NOAAPORT
datastream from a direct satellite broadcast (i.e., the LDM/IDD is not
>If so, why?
It is known that not all of the worldwide stations get included in the
streams that we get from NOAAPORT. Why this is the case I can not tell
you. If you could assemble a list of stations that are definitely never
in the stream, we can send the list to the NWS to see if they can be added
or find out why they are not there. As a side comment, I can add that
this situation has come up before and we have had varying degrees of success
getting the stations added to the stream that our sites use.
>Thanks a lot again,
>Christian Page
Tom Yoksas
------- End of Forwarded Message - First email
------- Forwarded Message - Second email
>To: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>cc: address@hidden
>From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>Subject: 20010705: LFMK METAR not on IDD? (cont.)
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: Universite du Quebec a Montreal
>Keywords: 200107041459.f64Exc122205 IDD
>I have a setup of list stations that are on
>but are not on IDD. I checked all of them.
>Here's the list:
I verified that none of these show up through ADDE searches.
>Canada - Quebec
CWDQ and CWER do not show up as you say. The other two, however, do
appear to be in the IDD stream since I can get information from them
through ADDE access to adde.ucar.edu:
Day Time StCo Stn T Td Dir Spd Gus AltSet Vis Weather Ceil
hhmm id [F] [F] [ kts ] [mb] [mi]
---- ---- ---- ----- --- --- --- --- --- ------ ----- -------- -----
5 1400 CN CZEM 57 45 050 5 1002.7 15.00
Number of reports = 1
Day Time StCo Stn T Td Dir Spd Gus AltSet Vis Weather Ceil
hhmm id [F] [F] [ kts ] [mb] [mi]
---- ---- ---- ----- --- --- --- --- --- ------ ----- -------- -----
5 1400 CN CYNC 55 46 020 2 1003.0 15.00
Number of reports = 1
>I hope we will be able to get them!
What we will do is try and contact someone at the NWS and let them know
that these stations would be very useful in the NOAAPORT channel 3
(aka TG) stream. We make no promises about what will really happen.
>Also, I noticed that these products were
>not on the IDD stream neither:
I verified that these are no where to be found as well.
>any hope to have them?
We'll include these in the request also.
>Thank you very much again,
You are welcome.
------- End of Forwarded Message - Second email
>From address@hidden Thu Jul 5 16:19:59 2001
>To: address@hidden, address@hidden
>cc: address@hidden
>Subject: 20010705: data-related email (fwd)
Hello Julie and Fred,
I was unsure who to send this email to, but was hoping one of you could check
into adding the data that are missing (see email below).
Please contact Christian Page with a cc to us at Unidata regarding your
Thanks so much for your help!