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20010626: Surface Obs - Data Availability and Request from SCRIPPS
- Subject: 20010626: Surface Obs - Data Availability and Request from SCRIPPS
- Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 12:45:34 -0600
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From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Surface Obs - Data Availability and Request
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 13:24:59 -0600
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
I want to make the community aware of the availability of some data here at
Scripps and to ask for some data. If you're not interested in the
availability of flat ASCII observation files and don't have archives of raw
"surface airways" format obs, you'll be bored by the remainder of this message.
First, my request. I've processed all of my METAR obs files (Jul 1996, et
seq) and as many SAO format files as I have (May 1993 to Jun 1996, with
many holes). Does anyone have an archive of raw SAO format obs they'd be
will to share with CRD?
Now, the data files. Since the Climate Research Division's "mission" is
almost totally research, we look at data somewhat differently than do most
teaching departments. We need long time series of data at single or
multiple selected stations. In my limited (truthfully, very limited)
experience with GEMPAK, it appears that a synoptic view is easy, but a time
series view (especially multi-year) can be difficult.
It's also difficult to share data with non-GEMPAK collaborators. Most of
our collaborators have never even heard of GEMPAK or NAWIPS. So, I needed
surface obs I could manipulate easily and share with anyone.
I wrote some PERL scripts that take the raw METAR and SAO obs and process
them so that all headers, trailers, and non-printable (sub-32) characters
are stripped. Then multi-line observations are concatenated to single
lines. (Most mail programs will wrap lines in the mid-process example
below, but each obs is in a single record (or line).) After that, the obs
are converted to constant position fields.
The raw METAR obs:
KELY 261153Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM -RA OVC075 14/04 A3009 RMK AO2
RAB43 SLP084 P0000 60000 T01390044 10194 20133 50005=
KMSY 261153Z 00000KT 6SM HZ FEW020TCU SCT060 SCT110 SCT250 24/20
A3016 RMK AO2 SLP214 TCU DSNT S T02440200 10244 20222
KSTC 261153Z AUTO 18011KT 10SM TS SCT060 22/19 A3007 RMK AO2 RAE32
SLP184 P0001 60001 70001 T02220194 10267 20222 53021=
KMSP 261153Z 20009KT 8SM FEW120 SCT200 BKN250 25/19 A3010 RMK AO2
SLP185 T02500194 10272 20239 53015=
Mid-process (single line) obs:
KELY 261153Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM -RA OVC075 14/04 A3009 RMK AO2 RAB43 SLP084
P0000 60000 T01390044 10194 20133 50005=
KMSY 261153Z 00000KT 6SM HZ FEW020TCU SCT060 SCT110 SCT250 24/20 A3016 RMK
AO2 SLP214 TCU DSNT S T02440200 10244 20222 53018=
KSTC 261153Z AUTO 18011KT 10SM TS SCT060 22/19 A3007 RMK AO2 RAE32 SLP184
P0001 60001 70001 T02220194 10267 20222 53021=
KMSP 261153Z 20009KT 8SM FEW120 SCT200 BKN250 25/19 A3010 RMK AO2 SLP185
T02500194 10272 20239 53015=
Decoded constant position obs:
SkyCvr PrWX
KELY 0106261153 000 0 0 10.00 0.001 13.9 4.4 1008.40
OVC075 -RA
KMSY 0106261153 000 0 0 6.00 -9.999 24.0 20.0 1021.40
KSTC 0106261153 180 11 0 10.00 0.254 22.2 19.4 1018.40
KMSP 0106261153 200 9 0 8.00 -9.999 25.0 19.4 1018.50
It is then easy to GREP a single station out of multiple hourly, daily,
monthly, or annual files to see a time series view:
SkyCvr PrWX
KSTC 0106260753 190 9 0 10.00 -9.999 25.6 17.2 1015.90
KSTC 0106260853 180 7 0 10.00 -9.999 26.0 17.0 1016.00
KSTC 0106260953 190 7 0 10.00 -9.999 25.0 18.0 1016.20
KSTC 0106261053 110 4 0 10.00 0.001 23.9 18.3 1017.50
KSTC 0106261153 180 11 0 10.00 0.254 22.2 19.4 1018.40
KSTC 0106261253 190 6 0 10.00 -9.999 22.2 19.4 1018.20
KSTC 0106261353 180 6 0 10.00 0.001 23.0 19.0 1018.90
The scripts are not elegant, almost certainly are buggy, and I've made some
decisions that will set some peoples teeth on edge, but they do
work. FORTRAN and other PERL scripts have little trouble reading them. An
example of one of my decisions, in the decoded files, the wind gust is the
speed in excess of the sustained, where 15G25 will show as
" 15 10".) The SkyCvr column shows the lowest layer with greatest coverage.
That means that not all of the data in the complete obs will be in the
decoded record. One of the immutable laws of the universe is "Something's
lost when something's gained." That's why I retain the mid-process files.
The current months files are available from CRD's web site. Prior months
are available by request. I've written two versions of each script. One
processes METAR and the other does SAO obs. If you're interested in these
data files (or have any questions) please contact me.
-----===(* Climate's what we expect, but weather's what we
get. *)===-----
Larry Riddle : Climate Research Division : Scripps Institution of
University of California, San Diego : La Jolla, California 92093-0224
Phone: (858) 534-1869 : Fax: (858) 534-8561 : E-Mail: address@hidden
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