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Re: 20010510: Seakeepers Data


It sounds like you found the right dataset: thanks!  I will have Ed Kearns
get the appropriate requests off to Julie Hayes ASAP.

We will let you know how it turns out.

Thanks again for your help.


|-----Linda Miller wrote on Thu May 10 09:31:08 2001 -----
|Hi Otis,
|I've got information for you and I hope it is in reference to the same dataset 
|that you were discussing yesterday.
|Walter Smith, (301) 713-0864 x 139 at NWS, Silver Spring, said he had talked 
|with Dr. Kerns (sp?) at the University of Miami who was asking about making 
|Seakeepers dataset available.  Hopefully you know him.  Anyway, the Seakeepers 
|data are now being routed to NCEP (in Camp Springs) from the NWSTG (in Silver 
|Spring) and to the National Data Buoy Center (Stennis Space Center 
|Mississippi).  The WMO headers are:
|What is needed now is a request to make the data available through NOAAPORT 
|the NWSTG.  That request indicating the data type with the WMO headers should 
|be made to:
|Julie Hayes
|NWS HQTR  Route:  W/OPS32
|BLDG: SSMC2  RM: 5322
|SILVER SPRING MD 20910-3283
|PH: (301)713-0864 x120
|Internet Address: address@hidden
|An email request should be sufficient.  In this case, I think I would cc 
|Smith.  The way this works is Julie receives the request and she informs 
|that the data need to be added.
|Walter Smith
|NWS HQTR  Route:  W/OPS32
|BLDG: SSMC2  RM: 5320
|SILVER SPRING MD 20910-3283
|PH: (301)713-0864 x139
|Internet Address: address@hidden
|I asked if one request from a university was sufficient and Walter indicated 
|would be, but if you need additional support, Unidata can certainly help 
|reinforce the need/request.  Also, I think it would be great to announce the 
|data to the Unidata community when it becomes available.  Perhaps you could 
|consider writing up a brief announcement about the dataset.
|If I'm totally off-base regarding the dataset that I've pursued, please let me 
|Best to you!
|Linda Miller - address@hidden
|External Liaison, Unidata
|University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
|P.O. Box 3000
|Boulder, CO 80307-3000
|303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
|URL:  http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/lmiller/un.act.html

   Otis Brown                             
   Rosenstiel School-Univ. of Miami       e-mail:     address@hidden
   4600 Rickenbacker Cswy                 Phone:      +1 305 361 4000     
   Miami, FL 33149-1098                   Fax:        +1 305 361 4711