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20001218: motherlode realtime data hierarchy

>From: Tom Yoksas <address@hidden>
>Organization: Unidata Program Center/UCAR
>Keywords: 200012191719.eBJHJGo02347 motherlode MSS


I am not sure that the email I sent you earlier got though.  I got a
strange bounced mail indication in a CCed copy of the message, so
I am resending AND updating my earlier note.

Chiz and I talked earlier about the changes to the data hierarchy that we
want on motherlode.  What we came up with AND have implemented this
afternoon is:

                              /     \
                             /       \
                            /         \
                           /           \
                         pub          ucar_only
                         / \            /  |  \
                        /   \          /   |   \
                     raw   decoded   nldn acars wsi
                      /       \
                     /         \
                    /           ---------+
                   /                     |
              +---+----+            +----+---+
             /    |     \          /     |    \
          ddplus hrs profiler   gempak mcidas netcdf
UCAR users would be given password access to the /data/ldm/* branches
of the tree, and everyone else would be given access to /data/ldm/pub/*.
It seems to me that the first thing that sould get archived is the
/data/ldm/pub/raw/* and /data/ldm/ucar_only/* branches of the tree.  At
some point, it would be very useful to also archive the
/data/ldm/pub/decoded/* branch.
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