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20000717: Potential for DRI hosting McIDAS ADDE server for NOAAPORT GINI imagery (cont.)
- Subject: 20000717: Potential for DRI hosting McIDAS ADDE server for NOAAPORT GINI imagery (cont.)
- Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 13:25:40 -0600
>From: Greg McCurdy <address@hidden>
>Organization: WRCC
>Keywords: 200007172258.e6HMwCT16914 WRCC DRI Unidata McIDAS-X ADDE NOAAPORT
>GINI imagery
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you on possible NOAAPORT
GINI imagery access through WRCC.
It sounds like there may be a possibility of you hosting an ADDE server
and permitting access to the Unidata community _after_ your networking
is upgraded to OC3 in the fall. If this is not the case, please let
me know and I will drop the subject. Otherwise, I will make a point
of contacting you in the late October timeframe.
Given the setup of your connection to the NWS office (T1 line), I
suppose it might be possible for you to get access to the NOAAPORT GINI
imagery by NFS mounting the file system(s) on which the data live. I
am not sure that this kind of access would be given to you by the NWS
office, however.
Once the data can be "seen" by one of your systems (through NFS or if
it copied to a local directory), it could be shared with the Unidata
community through McIDAS ADDE. Plymouth State College is setup in just
this manner: their ADDE server accesses GINI imagery through an NFS
mount of their NOAAPORT ingestion system's (from Unisys) disks. This
setup works well, but is not as fast as it would be if the data were on
a local disk.
The setup of ADDE is simple, and the access can be as limited as is
needed through use of TCP wrappers and/or server IP allows. I would be
more than willing to do the entire server installation/configuration
and provide the same level of support for its use as I do for other
sites. Again, we should revisit this issue as your networking
Again, thanks for the quick response...
>From address@hidden Mon Jul 17 16: 58:17 2000
> I believe the potential exists although I don't think we may be as
>set up as you might like. We are within 1/4 mile of the local NWS office
>and there is a T1 line between the 2 facilities to accomodate nexrad data
>transfers between DRI and NWS. This network is slightly isolated from the
>rest of our internal network to prevent hackers that might try to cross
>over and enter the NWS network (per NWS request.) Other than the Nexrad
>data there is no other data exchange between the NWS and DRI on this line
>as far as I know.
> We have a local ldm running as our part of the unidata distribution
>network (idd). Our current internet access is a pair of T1 lines that we
>share with the rest of the northern nevada educational infrastructure. We
>should have access to an OC3 later this fall. We frequently have long
>delays during the middle of the day when I request the HDS data feed, so
>we only do it when the need arises. We are running mcidas on one of the
>machines to create imagery that we post to our web site, but not much
>otherwise. The idd data sources we routinely receive is DDSplus, IDS,
> I don't think I've directly answered your questions, but hopefully
>I've provided enough information to give you a picture of how we are setup
>currently. Let me know if you have questions.
> Greg
Tom Yoksas