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[Fwd: [Fwd: GOES Northern Hemisphere Change Problem, Issued 4/27/00]]

SOCC attempted to make the change to the GOES-8 Northern Hemisphere
coverage today and experienced problems. The change has been put on
hold until further notice.

We'll pass along more information as soon as it becomes available.

SSEC Data Center            Email:  address@hidden
UW Madison                  Web:    http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter
1225 W. Dayton              Phone:  (608) 262-0502
Madison, Wisconsin 53706    Fax:    (608) 263-6738

--- Begin Message ---
Jerrold Robaidek                        Email:  address@hidden
SSEC Data Center                        Phone: (608) 262-6025
University of Wisconsin                 Fax: (608) 263-6738
Madison, Wisconsin
--- Begin Message ---
Hello McIDAS Users,

We have received questions concerning the possible problems with McIDAS in
regards to the message below and the GOES sector changes.

Please be advised there will be no problems with your McIDAS-X software.

The SDI ingestors may need a modification to the file, NAMES.GVAR to file
the data under separate names (i.e., conus, nh, etc.). Even without a
to the file, the SDI will ingest all data sent, and file it under the name ALL.

When we have determined if a updated NAMES.GVAR file is necessary we will
provide all our SDI sites with this new text file.

The "major reprogramming effort" that are referred to in the memo below
are site specific and will not be necessary for the general McIDAS community.

I hope this clears up any confusion that you may have.

Dee Wade
Dee Wade
McIDAS User Services and SSEC Data Center
Space Science and Engineering Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison           Email:     address@hidden
1225 West Dayton Street                   Voice:     (608) 263-0527
Madison, WI  53706                        Fax:       (608) 263-6738

address@hidden wrote:

> The following message was transmitted on 4/21/00:
> "Beginning May 02, 2000 (Julian day 123), the GOES-East and GOES-West
> scanning
> schedules will be modified.
> The scan area of the Northern Hemisphere sector, used in the GOES-East
> Routine,
> Rapid Scan Operations (RSO), and Super Rapid Scan Operations (SRSO)
> schedules, will be adjusted south. The Northern Hemisphere EXTENDED scan
> sector, that occurs in the
> GOES-East Routine schedule, will NOT be affected by this change.
> The Northern Hemisphere scan sector, that occurs in the GOES-West
> schedules, will be adjusted further north and truncated slightly on the
> eastern edge.
> The new graphic sector definitions will be posted to "www.ssd.noaa.gov/"
> when they
> are made available by NESDIS/SOCC."
> ---------
> It was determined late on 4/26/00 that the impact of these changes on
> ingest/display systems was far greater than previously believed.
> As a result, we have been forced to delay the scheduled change to the
> GOES-10 Northern Hemisphere sector for at least two weeks.  We will also be
> unable to support requests for RSO or SRSO operations for those two weeks.
> These actions are being taken to preclude the high probability of major
> loss of data, particularly for the NOAAPORT/AWIPS users, with our current
> ingest software.  A major reprogramming effort is underway here to support
> the changes on our GINI and McIDAS ingest and processing systems.
> A major reprogramming effort is also underway here to modify our GOES-8
> GINI and McIDAS software ingest and processing systems.  The current
> estimate of the level of effort for GOES-8 is that the modifications can be
> performed in time for the Monday evening implementations of the new
> scanning schedules by NESDIS/SOCC.  If this effort is unsuccessful, the
> processing of RSO and SRSO GOES-8 data will be at risk until the
> reprogramming effort is complete.  The Routine and Full Disk schedules are
> minimally impacted by these changes.
> -------------
> The following information if provided for those who must make modifications
> on their own ingest/processing software.
> The line/pixel corner boundaries for the GOES-East and GOES-West North
> Hemispheres being redefined are:
> GOES-East:
>      Start/End lines 3096/8080     Start/End Pixels  9052/22900
> GOES-West:
>      Start/End lines 2472/7888     Start/End Pixels  7890/21130
> As stated above, the implementation for GOES-West (GOES-10) in the Routine
> Schedule is being delayed at least two weeks.  Users will be notified when
> the changes will be placed into effect for GOES-West.
> These sector changes for GOES-East (GOES-8) will go into effect Monday
> evening for the schedules in effect after
> 0000 UTC Tuesday.  The GOES-West North Hemisphere corner changes, had they
> gone in by Monday, would have caused outages on the GOES-West AWIPS PACUS,
> North Hemi, SUPERN, Alaska National & Regional, and Hawaii National
> sectors, and Full Disk, North Hemisphere, and PACUS outages on the standard
> (non-AWIPS) operations side.
> We will attempt to complete the GOES-East ingestor and GOES-East GINI2
> (remap) system code modifications required by the corresponding North
> Hemisphere change through this weekend to meet the Monday deadline.  AWIPS
> User's should be notified that GOES-East AWIPS CONUS, North Hemi, SUPERN,
> and Puerto Rico National sectors could be negatively affected.  SSD's
> (non-AWIPS/i.e. McIDAS) standard operational users should be notified that
> CONUS and Northern Hemisphere raw and remap sectors could be negatively
> impacted.
> Steve Arnett
> Satellite Analysis Branch
> address@hidden
> (301) 763-8051 ext 109

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