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20000202: Data request for USF Geography
- Subject: 20000202: Data request for USF Geography
- Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 11:27:29 -0700
>From: "Laing, Arlene" <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of South Florida
>Keywords: 200002030010.RAA27078 data
>I am requesting archived meteorological data for the following days.
>1. 25 May 1998
>2. 06 June 1998
>3. 10 June 1998
>4. 15-16 June 1998
>5. 19-28 June 1998
>6. 30 June-03 July 1998
>Thanks in advance for your assistance and kind consideration.
I see that you sent this note to both Unidata Support and the SSEC Data
Center, but I do not know exactly what you are looking for. If you
are looking for data in McIDAS format, then sending the request to
the SSEC Data Center was appropriate. If SSEC can make these data
available (they would have had to be in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream
for them to be in the Unirec archive), then you will need to use the
information contained in the following web page:
If you are looking for the raw data that would have come over the IDD, then,
for right now, you should send a request to address@hidden.
Before you can do this, however, you will have to subscribe to this email
list. A web form for doing this can be found at:
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I hope that this helped.
>Arlene Laing
>Arlene Laing, Ph.D. address@hidden
>Geography, U. of South Florida Tel (813)-974-4939
>4202 E. Fowler Ave, SOC 107 Fax (813)-974-4808
>Tampa, FL 33620