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Re: SCD/Unidata (fwd)
- Subject: Re: SCD/Unidata (fwd)
- Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 10:58:26 -0600
>From: Linda Miller <address@hidden>
>Organization: Unidata
>Keywords: 199909291612.KAA19371 Unidata/SCD retrospective data project
>As you have probably heard we has been granted $75K for hardware to
>support the SCD/Unidata retrospective data project.
Dave Fulker informed me about the availability of funds for the project,
but I was unaware of the amount of funds that were available.
>I emailed Dave last week, but have not received a reply. Could you
>help me get the ball rolling on this one.
I guess that I am the ball that needs some pushing.
>The detail specification for the hardware we purchase should be aligned
>with the forseeable requirements of the data project. We would like
>Unidata's input on this. Obviously, we want the best machine
>configuration for the primary application, and goals of the project.
My plan was to come up with a hardware list collaboratively with our
system administrator. Unfortunately, his wife just had a baby who is
still in intensive care at St. Joe's. As soon as he is back at work, I
will meet with him and come up with a list of hardware that needs to be
purchased. In the meantime, it would be helpful to know if there is
any special hardware that will be needed for the eventual access to the
MASS store.
>With whom should we consult (I suppose Tom Y.),
That's me.
>or do we need have an
>email round robin, or a meeting to help narrow down the specification
>for this new machine?
This might be helpful. My original inclination was to spec out a
robust PC that would run Solaris x86 (e.g. 72 GB of disk; 2 GB or RAM;
etc.), but the availability of $75 K makes it sound like that I am
missing something BIG. Can you provide some guidance on this?
>Thanks for the help.
I will try to keep on top of this as much as possible even though I
will be out of town from Sunday until Thursday of next week.
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*