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19990802: RE: GEM Model Info
- Subject: 19990802: RE: GEM Model Info
- Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 09:25:38 -0600
Hi Richard,
Sorry it's been a long hiatus since I've contacted you. I appreciated the
additional information you provided in your message about the GEM model.
I believe I mentioned that I've been attempting to contact several members of
our committees to collect their input on providing the GEM model data to the
Unidata university community. So far their reactions have been positive to
gaining access to the GEM model data, so I'd like to begin some dialog on how
this might work.
Would the Canadian Meteorological Centre be willing to install the LDM
software? Perhaps you are already using it. Please check:
This is the data management software, based on "Push" technology, used with
Unidata's Internet Data Distribution (IDD). Each university has the LDM
installed and running on their computer at their institution to access and
exchange data from various sources. See the IDD information at:
The LDM is freely available and it is broadly used among many organizations
within the atmospheric science community.
There have been many examples of making data sets available to the university
community, besides the typical data available through Channel 3 (NCEP-NWS
Telecommunications Gateway) of the NOAAPort data sets, which is one of the
real-time data sets provided to university sites.
Information on the use of data can be viewed at:
The CONDUIT project is an example where high resolution data sets are being
made available to particular users who use that type of data for initiating
models, special research needs, etc.
CONDUIT: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/data/exp.models.html
Universities can use the LDM/IDD to exchange local/regional data used for
collaborative activities. NOAA laboratories, centers and NWS offices are
making use of the LDM for their internal use for data exchange and management
The most efficient method of making the GEM data available to the Unidata
insitutions appears to be through the use of the LDM, and employment of the
IDD. Based on the information gathered, GEM data would most likely be desired
by universities conducting modeling and research activities at their
The data could be made available in an "experimental" data feed and revisited
later to evaluate the number of university sites taking advantage of the data
Providers of data sources can choose their own scheme for product identifiers,
but it's conventional to use WMO headers when they are available. Unidata can
offer advice about how to assure that the product identifiers for this data
will not collide with other product identifiers on the experimental data feed.
You are aware of the need to conform to the WMO Resolution 40 and the
"additional data" terms. See:
Based on all of this information, we would like to know if you are still willing
to provide the data and if the Canadian Meteorological Centre would be
willing to relay the data, using the LDM software?
--The data could be conveyed to 1-3 university sites and they could
continue the distribution, based on interest in the data.
Please contact us regarding your interest in pursuing this method of making the
GEM available to universities interested in the GEM model.
--On Fri, Jul 9, 1999 3:26 PM -0400 "Hogue,Richard [CMC]"
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks Linda.
> Yes summer is going well...but going by too fast (the kids wouldn't agree
> with this !).
> I will wait to hear from you later this summer.
> Good day !
> Richard.
> P.S. here is some additional general info which I recently sent to
> a colleage in NWS :
> Operationally we have one model (Global Multiscale
> Environmental, GEM) which is ran in different configurations:
> * global (0.9 degrees resolution, ~100km, 28 levels on eta
> coordinates)
> * regional (25 km resolution over North America)
> * local (10 km resolution over a Western and an Eastern window)
> You will find general info in bullet form on our Operations
> public WEB page ( http://www.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/index.html ) under "CMC
> production system" . As well major implementations are described in
> "Operational Implementation"
> (http://www.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/CMOI/quoideneuf/e_liste.htmls) .
> There is more detailed info in our electronic library
> (http://www.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/biblios/indexe.html ) :
> * under "forecasts": article on GEM (The operational CMC/MRB GEM
> model, Côté et al.) .
> * under "forecasts": detailed physics description ( Scientific
> Description of RPN Physics Library, V3.6, Mailhot et al.)
> * under "NWP workshop": a series of documents related to our
> operational forecasting system
> Finally, the GEM model is as well fully desciribed in MWR,
> 1998, Vol 126, #6, pp 1373-1418 (The Operational CMC-MRB Global
> Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Model. Part I: Design, Considerations and
> Formulation and Part II: Results. Côté et al.). These articles are
> easily found by searching for "Côté , Jean" on the AMS on-line journal
> search
> (http://ams.allenpress.com/cgi-bin/omisapi.dll/ams?request=frames&link=simpl
> esearch ) .
> ----------
> De: Linda Miller[SMTP:address@hidden]
> Date d'envoi: 1999/07/09 15:03
> A: Hogue,Richard [CMC]
> Cc: address@hidden
> Objet: GEM Model Info
> Hi Richard,
> I just wanted to touch base with you to tell you that I've been
> trying to
> contact the members of the Unidata Users Committee to collect their
> feedback on the possibility of including the GEM model somehow in
> our
> Unidata data feed. Because it's summer break for all of them, this
> has
> been a non-trivial task, but little by little the replies are
> trickling in.
> Hopefully, I should be able to contact you within the next month
> regarding
> the next steps.
> Linda
> P.S. Hope your summer is going well.
Linda Miller
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
URL: http:/www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/lmiller/un.act.html
>From address@hidden Mon Aug 2 09:35:52 1999
FYI--from Richard Hogue re: GEM Model info
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Date: Mon, Aug 2, 1999 3:16 PM +0000
From: Richard Hogue <address@hidden>
To: ???
Subject: Re: 19990802: RE: GEM Model Info
Je serai de retour de vacances le lundi 16 aout. En mon absence,
c'est Gerard Croteau qui me remplace et il peut etre rejoint
au (514)421-4618. Pour toute unrgence de nature informatique
vous pouvez aussi contacter Doug Bender (514-421-4650)
I will be back from hollidays on Monday August 16. During my
absence Gerard Croteau will be replacing me and he can be reached
at (514)421-4618. In case of informatic type emergencies you can
contact as well Doug Bender (514-421-4650).
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