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19990708: Unidata-Wisconsin archive machine login problem
- Subject: 19990708: Unidata-Wisconsin archive machine login problem
- Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 11:49:36 -0600
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: Penn State
>Keywords: 199907081456.IAA27693 Unidata-Wisconsin login
>Thanks Tom for the info on how to read GOES data using McIDAS. I tried
>login unto unidata.ssec.wisc.edu using the user ID and password you
>provided below and it won't let me in. I did get on the machine on tuesday
>using the same login info though. Pls help.
The 'unidata.ssec' machine is undergoing an OS upgrade and will not be
available for a few days. I was under the impression that gold.ssec
was going to take over the archive duties while unidata.ssec was out
of action, but I too was unable to get onto either. I will jingle
SSEC about this to see if we need to wait or if this a simple configuration
>Thanks, Jimmy.
You are welcome.
>From address@hidden Thu Jul 8 12:43:28 1999
Yep. Simple config snafu. You should be able to get in again. Sorry about the
Chad W. Johnson E-mail: address@hidden
Programmer/Meteorologist Voice: (608) 265-5292
Space Science and Engineering Center Fax: (608) 263-6738
University of Wisconsin -- Madison