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19990608: backup selector site for NIDS floater (cont.)
- Subject: 19990608: backup selector site for NIDS floater (cont.)
- Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:39:49 -0600
>From: Unidata User Support
>Organization: College of DuPage
>Keywords: 199906011403.IAA17808 NIDS floater selections
Paul, Rich, and Eric,
I just received the access information to the NIDS floater site from
WSI Corp.:
address: http://www.uni.wsicorp.com/
click on the "Unidata IDD NEXRAD Site Maintenance" link
user: xxxxx
pass: xxxxx
Given that it is already after 20Z as I write this, let's shoot for
College of DuPage assuming backup selection duties tomorrow, June 9 at
22Z. The backup floater selection responsibility will extend until
Labor Day with the possibility of extension.
To reiterate coverage schedules and responsibilities:
o Millersville University will be responsible for selection of the three
NIDS floaters from 12Z until 22Z on week and non-holiday days.
The primary contact at Millersville is:
Dr. Rich Clark
Millersville University
Department of Earth Sciences
Roddy Science Hall
Millersville, PA 17551-0303
(717) 872-3930
Eric Horst is the technical contact at Millersville as far as the
floater selections are concerned:
Eric Horst
Director, Weather Information Center
Millersville University Meteorology
(717) 871-2263
o College of DuPage will be responsible for selection of the three NIDS
floaters from 22Z until 12Z on weekdays and all day on weekends and
The primary contact at College of DuPage is:
Paul Sirvatka
College of DuPage
Department of Meteorology
425 22nd St.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
(630) 942-2118
The technical contact at College of DuPage (until we are informed
otherwise) is also Paul Sirvatka.
It is understood that Paul may designate anyone of his choosing to
manage the NIDS floaters as long as that person is an active Unidata
participant and understands and agrees to abide by the
responsibilities detailed below.
During their periods of primary responsibility, both Millersville and
College of DuPage are responsible for:
o interpreting current weather conditions across the continental US
and in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to determine which NIDS sites
would be likely to be able to observe the most interesting weather
phenomena. This, of course, is a judgement call. We expect,
however, that those doing the selection consider all types of
interesting weather phenomena and give most weight to those events
that are likely to affect or be interesting to the most numbers of
o responding to user requests for floater selection
o announcing floater changes to the address@hidden
email list. This announcement should include a short description of
the meteorological conditions that warrant the site selection.
o contacting the alternate NIDS floater site and the UPC with a request to
take over coverage in the event that they can not fulfill their
responsibilities. For example, it may be known that the site's
internet connection will be down for an extended period of time; that
the people usually responsible for the selections are unavailable due
to illness; etc.
Unidata User Support staff can act as backup for the floater selections
on an infrequent basis, but we would rather not.
o communicating any and all problems encountered with the WSI NIDS floater
selection page with Unidata User Support (address@hidden)
It is understood that nobody is expected to remain vigilant for 24
hours per day or 7 days per week. All that we ask is that everyone
involved takes this responsibility seriously.
I want to conclude by noting that we believe that Millersville has done
an excellent job of selecting the NIDS floater sites to date. The
additional coverage that the College of DuPage will be providing will
make the NIDS floater products even more useful to the Unidata
community. Many thanks to all of you that have been and will be
involved in this activity.
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Tue Jun 8 14:56:42 1999
We agree. Millersville has always responded well when they were around and
were very sensitive to the needs of the community and to providing a
variety of weather sites. If they ever need anything, I hope they will
stay in contact with us.
Thanks very much to all of your dilegence towrad providing the best of
service to the community. We hope that we will also benefit the Unidata
Paul Sirvatka
Professor but not Dr. (officially!)
* Paul L. Sirvatka | Office: (630) 942-2118; Lab: (630) 942-2590 *
* Professor of Meteorology | COD Weather Lab: (630)-858-0032 *
* College of DuPage | Address: 425 22nd St. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 *