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19990405: Whittaker response regarding CIMSS products
- Subject: 19990405: Whittaker response regarding CIMSS products
- Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 09:49:37 -0600
Here is Tom W's reply to the message we sent last Friday. I was
totally unaware of the change in charging structure he is referring to,
but it does make it seem like this is a real opportunity for us IF the
charge is not too high. This seems like a natural topic for the User
Committee, but it strikes me that the discussions could take a lot of
time. Perhaps we can lay out the various possibilities and then have
the User Committee data subcommittee (yes, there is one) examine/talk
about the possibilities via email.
------- Forwarded Message
>From: Tom Whittaker <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 19990222: GOES Sounder CAPE products (cont.)
>Organization: SSEC
>Keywords: 199904051328.HAA05757 CIMSS SSEC datacenter
Hi Tom:
> We (Linda and I) are in the process of getting ready for the upcoming
> User Committee meeting, and we would like to get some idea of the
> products that could be made available and who we should contact to get
> the ball rolling. Any ideas?
I've just returned to work. Within the next two days, we'll have
a short meeting here to coordinate activities for getting GOES
products out via the LDM to you and NWS. I will make sure that a
list is created of potential products and a contact point person
identified for you.
Are you aware of the new SSEC Data Center charging by either
bytes or by 'subscription'? I understand from Bob that Unidata
is going to opt for the 'subscription' mode whereby you can get
at as much data as you want. If that really is the case, does
this potential for expanding the base GOES/POES data also need to
be discussed at the meeting?
I'm looking forward to seeing you again. The (extended) weekend
was really wild, but now I'm back working hard on the NCEP model
viewer using VisAD. Plus two papers for CALMet, and a "lesson
builder" for VISITview. Life is exciting!!
I'll get that info on the GOES Products out to you by mid-week.
Tom Whittaker (address@hidden)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Phone/VoiceMail: 608/262-2759
Fax: 608/263-6738
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