Hi Mike, Thanks, that was the clue-by-four I needed to be hit with. I adjusted my LDM request and got the other half of the NDFD products now being transmitted! PS, that screenshot is ultra fancy, is it available for us mere mortals to use? daryl ________________________________________ From: Mike Zuranski <address@hidden> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 3:18 PM To: Herzmann, Daryl E [AGRON] Cc: CONDUIT Users List; address@hidden; Unidata CONDUIT Support Subject: Re: [conduit] NCO Conduit Transition to RHEL8 Daryl, Looks like it's there to me, all under the "/common/data/products/NDFD/grib2/..." header. 20Z coming in now actually: [image.png] Are you not seeing these? -Mike Mike Zuranski Data Engineer II Unidata Program Center University Corporation for Atmospheric Research On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 1:00 PM Herzmann, Daryl E [AGRON] <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote: Hi Mike, Thanks, but I am not seeing either of those two. Do you have examples from today? daryl ________________________________________ From: Mike Zuranski <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 11:52 AM To: Herzmann, Daryl E [AGRON] Cc: CONDUIT Users List; address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>; Unidata CONDUIT Support Subject: Re: [conduit] NCO Conduit Transition to RHEL8 Hi Daryl, For some unknown amount of time, there has been duplicate NDFD data on CONDUIT that would come with two separate product IDs, though the data was identical. Here is an example of the differences; the two products were otherwise bytewise identical: /common/data/products/NDFD/grib2/YCUZ98_KWBN_121351.grib2 !grib2/nwstg/NWS_0/#000/202310121400F058/SPED/10 m HGHT! 000042 data2/ndfd/YCUZ98_KWBN_121351.grib2 !grib2/nwstg/NWS_0/#000/202310121400F058/SPED/10 m HGHT! 000042 I have been in talks with NCEP about this and I know they were looking into it; while I wasn't aware of any plans, it would appear they have consolidated/rectified the different product IDs with this update. From my records it looks like the latter pattern stopped around 10/12 14Z, the former pattern continues to be used. If you search using the former product ID pattern, do you see all the expected NDFD products then? -Mike Mike Zuranski Data Engineer II Unidata Program Center University Corporation for Atmospheric Research On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 10:58 AM Herzmann, Daryl E [AGRON] <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>> wrote: Greetings, Since this transition, I am noticing that NDFD data is not flowing over CONDUIT. Anybody else able to verify? daryl ________________________________________ From: conduit <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>> on behalf of NCEP Dataflow via conduit <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 2:18 PM To: CONDUIT Users List Cc: Unidata CONDUIT Support Subject: Re: [conduit] NCO Conduit Transition to RHEL8 Hello CONDUIT Users, The start date of the transition of NCO's Conduit servers to RHEL8 was pushed back by one day due to Critical Weather Day on Tuesday 10/10. Therefore our migration to the new systems began today, Wednesday October 11th. The transition will still take place over three days with our operational servers now planned to migrate tomorrow, Thursday October 12th at ~1300z. Changes on your end are not necessary and we are anticipating a seamless transition. If however you do encounter issues that are not resolved by an LDM restart, please report them to NCO Dataflow (address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>>) as soon as possible with a subject line that includes the text "CONDUIT Issue". Thank you -- NCO Dataflow Team address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>> On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 12:44 PM Dustin Sheffler - NOAA Federal <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>>> wrote: Attention CONDUIT Users, Beginning Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 at 1300z, NCO Dataflow will begin the migration of our CONDUIT systems to RHEL 8. The transition will take place over three days with our operational servers migrating on Wednesday, October 11th at 1300z. Changes on your end are not necessary and we are anticipating a seamless transition. If however you do encounter issues that are not resolved by an LDM restart, please report them to NCO Dataflow (address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>>) as soon as possible with a subject line that includes the text "CONDUIT Issue". Thank you -- NCO Dataflow Team address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>> To sign up for the NOMADS/FTPPRD Users List: https://www.lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/ncep.list.nomads-ftpprd <tel:%28301%29%20683-1400> _______________________________________________ NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly available through the web. Users who post to any of the lists we maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they do not want to be made public. conduit mailing list address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>> For list information or to unsubscribe, visit: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/
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_______________________________________________ NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly available through the web. Users who post to any of the lists we maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they do not want to be made public. conduit mailing list address@hidden For list information or to unsubscribe, visit: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/