Dear Anne and all,
Just a note to let you know we are still experiencing the high latencies. In fact, today the latencies from both vm-lnx-conduit1 and vm-lnx-conduit2 are high.
![]() ![]() From: Anne Myckow - NOAA Federal <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 12:14 PM To: Pete Pokrandt <address@hidden> Cc: address@hidden <address@hidden>; address@hidden <address@hidden>; address@hidden <address@hidden>; address@hidden <address@hidden> Subject: Re: High CONDUIT latencies from Pete, is a load-balanced DNS that points to both conduit1 and conduit2 servers on the backend. I'm going to see if we can push you all off of conduit2 for now, hopefully those of you connected
to conduit2 will see a brief interruption and then connect to conduit1 automatically.
More to come.
On Fri, Aug 20, 2021 at 1:12 PM Pete Pokrandt <address@hidden> wrote:
Anne Myckow
Dataflow Team Lead
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