Just FYI, since that 12 UTC run yesterday, all of the GFS runs have been complete at our end. Looks like it must have been a glitch related to the update.
Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - address@hidden
From: Anne Myckow - NOAA Federal <address@hidden>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 2:33 PM
To: Pete Pokrandt <address@hidden>; _NWS NCEP NCO Dataflow <address@hidden>
Cc: Unidata CONDUIT Support <address@hidden>; address@hidden <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Missing GFS grids this morning on CONDUIT?Hi Pete,
We did some changes to how we upload data to CONDUIT earlier today with an RFC. I will have the person that worked on it check into the logs and make sure the new change is working as expected.
If everything is fine and they were just missed during the implementation, do you want us to try and re-insert them into the LDM queue?
On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 2:35 PM Pete Pokrandt <address@hidden> wrote:
Anne and all,
We missed a number of forecast hours for the various resolution GFS grids for this morning's 12 UTC run. The forecast hours that came in were complete, but many forecast hours didn't come in at all. From a brief look at motherlode.ucar.edu, it looks like they missed data as well, probably the same grids.
Any idea what might have happened? I'll keep an eye on the 18 UTC data later today to see if it's also missing forecast hours.
For the 1 degree grids, we were missing
F003 - F018F024F030 - F036F045 - F051F057F063 - F072F078F081F087F090F102 - F108F123 - F144F150F153 - F168F174F180F183F189F192F201F204F216 - F228F237F243F249F252F261F276F282F285F291 - F297F303F306F318F321F327 - F372F384
For the 0.5 degree, we were missing
F003F009F012F018 - F030F036 - F042F048 - F069F075 - F084F091 - F099F105 - F132F138F147 - F150F159 - F180F186F192 - F198F204 - F216F222 - F234F240 - F249F255 - F273F279F285 - F291F303F312 - F345F354 - F357F366 - F381
For the 0.25 degree data, we were missing
F000 - F006F015F021 - F039F045F054 - F060F072 - F075F081 - F084F096 - F105F111F117 - F120F126F135 - F144F153 - F156F171F177 - F201F207 - F213F219F231 - F321F327 - F369F375 - F384
Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - address@hidden
Anne MyckowDataflow Team LeadNWS/NCEP/NCO
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