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Re: 20210106: Conduit 3 connectivity issues with National Weather Service

Hello Tom.

Sorry for the late reply, it took some time to coordinate all our teams. Are you still able to support 1330 today?

On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Unidata User Support <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Tony, Raymond and others,

>We have reports of your group not being able to connect with our conduit3
>(test conduit) system.

That is correct.  All of my attempts to contact the LDM running on your
conduit3 machine have failed in exactly the same way - it does not appear
that the connection that the LDM utility 'notifyme' is attempting is
making it to the LDM on conduit3.  Our experience in situations like
this is that there is one or more blocks to the transaction attempt
between our machine(s) and conduit3.  We can guarantee that we are _not_
blocking outbound traffic to port 388 on remote machines.

>Our networking and infrastructure groups have
>performed exhaustive testing on our side to no avail.

Since our machine conduit.unidata.uxar.edu is allowed to REQUEST feeds
from the NCEP CONDUIT relay cluster, conduit.ncep.noaa.gov, it would
seem that one or more of the following is true:

- there is a firewall setting on conduit3 that is blocking inbound
  traffic on port 388

- there is some extra security software running on conduit 3 that
  is preventing the LDM on conduit3 from forking a new process to
  handle the feed REQUESTs that were sent to it by all of the three
  machines that we have tried to connect with (lead.unidata.ucar.edu,
  atm.ucar.edu, conduit.unidata.ucar.edu)

- there is a firewall/security perimeter setting upstream from
  conduit3 that is blocking connection attempts to port 388
  on conduit3

The following may not have anything to do with the problem, but I will
add it anyway:

We have recently had extensive exchanges with NOAA personnel in SPC
who reported a very strange situation being experienced on one of their
NOAAPort ingest machines.  The symptoms of the problem were that the LDM
NOAAPort ingest module, noaaportIngester could not fork a new process.
It was eventually discovered that a RedHat security package that had
been installed on one of the two SPC NOAAPort ingest machines via an
RPM was causing the problem.  The package in question was the RHSM
insights-client.  An SPC system administrator discovered that when the
'insights-client' was turned off, the LDM and NOAAPort ingest would
work correctly.  If the 'insights-client' was turned back on, the LDM
and NOAAPort ingest would continue to work, but, if the LDM was then
stopped and restarted the NOAAPort ingest would not work.

So, the question to your system administrator(s) is if the RHSM
'insights-client' is installed and running on conduit3.

Like I said, this may be a total red herring for the situation at hand.

>We would like to set
>up a time when your network and infrastructure group could join a
>call/tele-conference so we can collaborate on fixing this connectivity so
>you are able to again receive data from the test system. Please let us know
>your availability and we will schedule something.

Looking that everyone's schedule for the rest of the week, I see that
there are two blocks of time where three of us from Undiata can meet:

Friday, January 8 09:45 - 11:30
Friday, January 8 13:30 - 16:00

If Friday doesn't work for your folks, please let us know when you could
Meet (or WebEx or Zoom) next week.


Tom Yoksas
Unidata User Support
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Tony Salemi - IT Specialist
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Analyst
Contracting Officer Technical Representative
5830 University Research Ct. Suite 1028
College Park, MD 20740