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Re: [Ncep.list.pmb-dataflow] CONDUIT data latencies update - so much better, thank you!!

Hi Pete,

This is great to hear and we're glad that the hard work of several teams within our organization has restored the timeliness/reliability of the CONDUIT datastream that our university partners rely on. Thanks for letting us know!


On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 12:15 PM 'Pete Pokrandt' via _NCEP list.pmb-dataflow <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Anne, and anyone else involved in the network/firewall upgrade to deal with the data congestion at College Park, 

I just wanted to let you know that the network/firewall upgrades that you invested in last fall have made have had a huge positive impact on the CONDUIT data latencies. Over the past month or two, our peak CONDUIT latencies are consistently down to 60-80 seconds peak, averaging around 30 seconds. 

These are in line with, or even better than what we had been seeing prior to the congestion issues last summer/fall, during which the latencies regularly exceeded 3600 seconds and we were losing data.

Thank you so much, on behalf of the Universities and other sites receiving data via the CONDUIT feed!



Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  - address@hidden

Ncep.list.pmb-dataflow mailing list

Dustin Sheffler
NCEP Central Operations - Dataflow
5830 University Research Court, Rm 1030
College Park, Maryland 20740