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[CONDUIT #IPC-356325]: Any idea what's up with the large lags on CONDUIT the past several days?

Hi Pete,

This is a follow-up to the email that Art Person sent yesterday
about his changing from a two-way to a twenty-way split of his

I implemented a twenty-way split on the Unidata CONDUIT downstream
(conduit.unidata.ucar.edu), and it did result in significantly lower
latencies overnight, but not nearly as dramatically as we had hoped.
Looking at the latency plot for your machine:


gives a hint of suggestion that you too have modified how you are
REQUESTing CONDUIT from NCEP.  Is this true?

As an FYI, here is how I implemented our twenty-way split:

request CONDUIT "[02468]0$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]0$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]1$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]1$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]2$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]2$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]3$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]3$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]4$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]4$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]5$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]5$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]6$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]6$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]7$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]7$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]8$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]8$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[13579]9$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov
request CONDUIT "[02468]9$" conduit.ncep.noaa.gov

I don't claim that this is the best way of doing such a split,
but it _should_ make sure that there is a good distribution of
number of products and corresponding volumes in each of the

On a totally separate topic: did you receive the email that I
(thought) I sent you, Victor and Russ regarding testing of
the revamped NIMAGE feed?  Just curious if you are interested
in kicking the tires on the new NIMAGE feed and its use in
(a current version of) GEMPAK.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IPC-356325
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Critical
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
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