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The issues with NOAAPort Volumes have not ceased... According to Carissa, it's a WFO requesting retransmits.. 8-)

Fortunately while I'm on vacation, I have scripts that automatically inspect various model data, to ensure all necessary fields are present before runs commence... what is happening is fairly weird.. With RAP for example, files can look 'close' to normal size, yet all fields are not present... So the script does a head -2 | tail -1 .. then a head -3 and a head -4 etc.. and sometimes we have to go back 5 runs to find files that contain all the parms! =-O

Here is the latest NOAAPort volume chart.. the right side is new, and notice this peak at around 6.15pm or so (central) today, and 00.15 central sunday, and so forth.. so there is a discernible trend of nefarious activity. *IDEA*


Hopefully someone is working on the problem somewhere? *ALIEN*

Merry Christmas!


Patrick L. Francis

Vice President of Research & Development

Aeris Weather










------ Original Message ------
From: "Patrick L. Francis" <address@hidden>
To: "Carissa Klemmer - NOAA Federal" <address@hidden>; "Carissa Klemmer, NCEP Support" <address@hidden>; "address@hidden" <address@hidden>; "NOAAPORT" <address@hidden>; "LDM" <address@hidden>; "CONDUIT" <address@hidden>
Sent: 12/15/2016 10:15:16 AM
Subject: NAM Kerfluffle

Rather serious errors transpired with NOAAPort NAM over the evening, and continues into this morning... this graphic contains 2 columns of nam directory listings... note that bot 12z and 06z runs contain errors.. what is interesting is that some hours report as 0 bytes (yet they still report), however other hours contain... well, several hour's worth of runs?

this box has redundant independent direct noaaport feeds (2 dishes, 2 novras, both feeding etc..)

worried! .... :)



Patrick L. Francis

Vice President of Research & Development

Aeris Weather










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