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[CONDUIT #GOU-809390]: Fwd: [Wrf-news] UPDATE - Important: Upgrade to GFS Analysis and Forecast System Effective 1/14/15 - NOTE Date Change

Hi Tiziana,

> Because of the upcoming change to the GFS output and naming convention
> (see email below) we were wondering how the GFS data distributed to the
> LDM will be affected.

Your and the wrf-news emails are timely... today we will be sending out an
announcement to the address@hidden and address@hidden
email lists detailing the changes to LDM/IDD Product IDs that will be caused
by the GFS upgrade.  Since you asked before the announcement would be sent,
here is the email that will be sent to the Unidata lists:

Unidata CONDUIT Users:

On January 14 an upgrade to the NCEP GFS/GDAS will cause changes to
LDM/IDD Product IDs for CONDUIT GFS global products, and these changes
may necessitate modification of LDM pattern-action file actions.

The current GFS global products have Product IDs that use the following
naming scheme:

Global Grid             Current name                  Forecast Hours
0.5 degree resolution   gfs.tCCz.pgrb2f(xx|xxx)       FH00-192/3
1.0 degree resolution   gfs.tCCz.pgrbf(xx|xxx).grib2  FH00-192/3
2.5 degree resolution   gfs.tCCz.pgrbfxxx.grib2       FH204-384/12

CC       - model cycle runtime (i.e., 00, 06, 12, 18)
xx,xxx   - forecast hour of product from 00 - 384
YYYYMMDD - Year, Month and Day

Here are some examples of current LDM/IDD Product IDs for GFS global products
in the CONDUIT datastream:

0.5 degree:
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/201412231800F003/TMPK/1000 hPa PRES! 000174
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/201412271200F192/TMPK/1000 hPa PRES! 000174

1.0 degree:
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/201412231800F003/TMPK/925 hPa PRES! 000153
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/201412271200F192/TMPK/925 hPa PRES! 000153

2.5 degree:
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/201501051200F204/TMPK/2 m HGHT! 000195
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/201501051200F384/TMPK/2 m HGHT! 000195

The Product IDs will be regularized to use the following scheme:

Global Grid             Current name               Forecast Hour
0.5 degree resolution   gfs.tCCz.pgrb2.0p50.fFFF   FH000-384/3
1.0 degree resolution   gfs.tCCz.pgrb2.1p00.fFFF   FH000-384/3
2.5 degree resolution   gfs.tCCz.pgrb2.2p50.fFFF   FH000-384

CC       - model cycle runtime (i.e., 00, 06, 12, 18)
FFF      - forecast hour of product from 000 - 384
YYYYMMDD - Year, Month and Day


The change in the GFS global field Product IDs will likely require CONDUIT
users to modify the extended regular expressions that they are using in
LDM configuration file (~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf) REQUESTs and in pattern-action
file actions.

Detailed information on current NCEP GFS product sets and those that are
scheduled to become available on January 14 can be found at:


January GFS Upgrade:

Please send any questions/comments about the impending change to:

Unidata CONDUIT Support <address@hidden>

> Thank you very much for any info you could provide.

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GOU-809390
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed