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[CONDUIT #RFO-442890]: GFS upgrade

Hi Carissa,

re: NOAA firewall blocking LDM access to
> Our folks have looked all over, they see all the rules in place as
> expected.

As far as I can tell, one of the firewalls that was allowing access
from Unidata machines to yesterday got reconfigured
to block the access.  I say this because neither of the machine that
could successfully do a 'notifyme -vl- -f CONDUIT -h'
yesterday can contact the machine today (the Unidata machines I am
referring to are lead.unidata.ucar.edu and atm.ucar.edu).

> We are getting short staffed here and might have to pick this up
> on Monday. If you have any other machines that work there should be rules
> in place for about 10 of your machines.

I just tried running 'notifyme -vl- -f CONDUIT -h'
from the following Unidata-controlled machines, and none of them
can get through the NOAA firewall:

lead.unidata.ucar.edu    <- this worked yesterday
atm.ucar.edu             <- this worked yesterday
motherlode.ucar.edu      <- this did not work yesterday
oliver.unidata.ucar.edu               "
emo.unidata.ucar.edu                  "
agg1.unidata.ucar.edu                 "
gale.unidata.ucar.edu    <- first time trying this machine for this test
idd.ssec.wisc.edu        <- first time trying this machine for this test
daffy.unidata.ucar.edu   <- first time trying this machine for this test
                            this is the machine that feeds operationally
                            from conduit.ncep.noaa.gov and ncepldm4.woc.noaa.gov
                            NB: REQUESTs from daffy to these CONDUIT relays
                            are still working correctly

Can you send us the list of the 10 machines that should be allowed that
you are referring to?

> And we can actually keep this ldm out of the pool for as long as you need.
> And if we put the 0.25 in after live day that isn't a big deal.

Very good.

> But as I've been saying, the filenames are changing on the 14th.

OK, but I am confused.  Please (re)tell me if the file name change
you are referring to is for the existing CONDUIT products, or for
the 0.25 deg products.

If it would help, I can be reached at 303.258.0906 for the next
half hour (until 11:30 MST).


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RFO-442890
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Open