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[CONDUIT #NLP-275663]: SREF upgrade testing

Hi Carissa,

> For your downloading pleasure (FYI, only 24 hours of data are kept)
> CC = 03, 09, 15, 21
> Model #113 - mean and spread (both got [GB 1] errors)
> ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/sref/para/sref.YYYYMMDD/CC/ensprod_biasc/sref.tCCz.pgrb212.(mean|spread)_3hrly.grib2
> Model #111 - NMB (currently labeled as WRF_EM)
> ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/sref/para/sref.YYYYMMDD/CC/pgrb_biasc/sref_nmb.tCCz.pgrb212.(ctl|p1|n1|p2|n2|p3|n3).grib2
> Model #112 -NMM (currently labeled as WRF_EM)
> ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/sref/para/sref.YYYYMMDD/CC/pgrb_biasc/sref_nmm.tCCz.pgrb212.(ctl|p1|n1|p2|n2|p3|n3).grib2

Thanks this was very helpful indeed.

Review of what we discussed during our testing this afternoon:

ModelId   Label     Files
111       NMMB      
112       NMM       
113       SREF_113  
116       WRF_EM    I don't have a URI for these

I downloaded all files for 20120724_0900 today from the FTP site you referenced
above.  Using 'wgrib2' I found that the ModelID ('wgrib2 -processid') in the 
types of output is, in fact:

ModelID   Label     Files
116       NMMB      
116       NMM       
113       SREF_113  
116       WRF_EM    I don't have a URI for these

My point is that the ModelIDs for the NMMB and NMM grids are all 116 not 111 
and 112,
respectively.  So, the 'gribinsert' code was labeling the products appropriately
given its mapping of ModelID to name:


        case 111: return s_model_id("NAM",model);
        case 112: return "WRF_NMM";
        case 113: return s_model_id("SREF",model);
        case 114: return "NAEFS";
        case 115: return s_model_id("DGEX",model);
        case 116: return "WRF_EM";

(the routine s_model_id("SREF",model) returns SREF_113 for products with a 
of 113, etc.)

Now the question is why the ModelIds for NMMB and NMM are 116 instead of
111 and 112, respectively?


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NLP-275663
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: High
Status: Open