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Re: [Support #SBB-325304]: Re: 20110712: CONDUIT request -- fire weather grids

Hi all,

I finally get to say something. During the AMS community meeting last week, Dr. Uccelllini spoke up during my talk and endorsed the concept of CONDUIT and talked about its success (no big surprise). He yold the audience that this capability is open to private industry too, if they want to put a server there. I'm telling you this, in the event you begin getting questions about such a service. Perhaps this information will help to inform you on the number of LlDM servers and the potential for more.

Best to all--Linda

On 8/19/2011 9:51 AM, Rebecca Cosgrove wrote:
So  let me ask you one more question then, while we're on the subject...
the WOC also offered up more than 3 servers at each location. I kind of thought that might be overkill since there's a limited number of top level systems pulling from the WOC. But I really should ask you -- would you see any benefit in having more than 3 LDM servers at each WOC location?


On 8/19/2011 11:47 AM, Unidata CONDUIT Support wrote:
Hi Becky,

I'll let Justin tackle the harder part of data on LDM2 on Monday when
he's back, but I can answer the part below.
OK, ready...

This Fall we're upgrading several of the systems at the WOC, and I made
sure to push to include the CONDUIT LDM machines in this current upgrade
(as opposed to the one a year from now).  My WOC SA tells me we'll get
40GB of memory on each of the boxes.  That's the number I wrote down...
kinda wonder if I've got an extra 0 on there, but either way, it's at
least 4 :)
40 GB sounds correct.  The existing machines have 8 GB, so a target of
4 GB would be a rollback, not a upgrade :-)  40 GB will allow for at
least a five fold increase in LDM queue size, from 6 GB to at least
30 GB (maybe even 35 GB).  This will be a wonderful upgrade!

So then I come back to you and Linda to speak for the CONDUIT
community... is it acceptable to you to limp along on the smaller queue
for a few months with this data until the upgrade, or do you think it's
necessary to hold off till after the upgrade?
Given the offset of the peak in parallel NAM (aka fire weather) volume
from the existing peak that is dominated by global GFS, I think it is
safe to run the existing setup for the next few months.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SBB-325304
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

Linda Miller - address@hidden
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690