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[CONDUIT #DVL-596334]: Fwd: [NCEP.List.Internet-Services-Announce] Reminder of GFS Upgrade this Wednesday 7/28

Hi Don,

> So, it looks like the .5 degree GFS grids are going out to 192 hours
> now, but the 1 degree grids are only going out 180 hours still.  The 2.5
> degree grids on mlode are screwed up -  I sent a note to
> support-thredds.  Perhaps that's related to the change in the 192 hour
> grids?

I worked with Robb on this yesterday afternoon:

The problem was that the THREDDS pattern-action file patterns for the CONDUIT
1 deg and 2.5 deg GFS were processing the 1 deg H+183 - H+192 forecasts as if
they were 2.5 deg grids.  This resulted in only 180 hours in the 1 deg
set and 4 1 deg grids in the beginning of the 2.5 deg set.  Robb updated the
patterns in time to process the 18Z run correctly.  As you note, the 0.5 deg
sets were/are being processed correctly already.

I verified the 0Z data for the 1 and 2.5 deg sets in the IDV this morning...
everything looks good from my perspective.

Robb will be sending out a note to the THREDDS email list advising folks
how to update their pqact.threddsconduit pattern-action file entries.  I
will include a comment with the same advice in a reply to Mike Dross'
post to the ldm-users and conduit lists.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DVL-596334
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed