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20090925: request help getting two additions made to CONDUIT datastream

Hi Brent,

Linda and I are hoping that you can help get two product sets added to
IDD's CONDUIT datastream.  I am hoping that you can school me on exactly
how best to make requests like this.

The products sets desired to be added to CONDUIT are:

- early hour NDFD grids

  By "early hour" NDFD grids we mean NDFD forecast grids that are valid
  from 0 up to 96 hours.  The NDFD forecast grids for 96 hours and
  later are already available in the nwstg2 channel of NOAAPort.

- parallel RTMA grids

  By "parallel" RTMA grids, we mean the non-operational RTMA grids.
  Here is a comment from one of our power users as to what he is
  looking for and why:

  "As part of this week's workshop, I mentioned that it would be great
  if CONDUIT could distribute the RTMA grids.  We're grabbing the
  parallel (developmental) version from ncep, rather than the operational
  grids, as positive changes tend to crop up in the parallel version
  long before implementation.

  Here's what we do

  set server = ftp.emc.ncep.noaa.gov
  set server_precip = ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov

  set directory = /mmb/mmbpll/rtma
  set precip_directory = /pub/data/nccf/com/hourly/prod

  ncftpget -t 120 -p address@hidden $server $DATA 

  ncftpget -t 120 -p address@hidden $server $DATA 

  ncftpget -t 20 $server_precip $DATA 

  We're posting them as part of our thredds server in any event


Many thanks in advance for any/all help you can provide!


* Tom Yoksas                                            UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                 P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden                                  Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                            http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*