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[Support #PWJ-189444]: Requesting GFS Grid #004 0.5 degree
- Subject: [Support #PWJ-189444]: Requesting GFS Grid #004 0.5 degree
- Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:26:06 -0600
Hi Guilherme,
> We were receiving the GFS grid 1 in solon, but since october 10th the
> feed simply disappeared.
> This is the ldmd.conf line in solon:
> request CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.(..)/RD.(........)/PT.grid_DF.gr1.*0$"
> idd.unidata.ucar.edu PRIMARY
> varying from 1 to 10 (10 connections).
It looks like you did not see the announcement
of a change to the CONDUIT datasetream products and naming convention
back in August. Here is a recent post to the 'conduit' email list
that includes the August announcement:
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:33:39 MDT
To: address@hidden
From: Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>
Subject: 20061018: Changes to CONDUIT data stream
CONDUIT recipients,
At 18Z, the remaining CONDUIT files (NAM, RUC, and GFS) still being
inserted using the NWSTG naming convention will be transitioned to the
NCEP file names:
As always, please contact address@hidden should
you have any problems with your receipt of these products,
Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>
On August 9, additional data sets were added to the CONDUIT data stream
originating from the new top level LDM server which accesses data sets
using the ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov file naming. On September 27 and October
17, the remaining data sets on CONDUIT will be transitioned to the new LDM
server as described below. The migration of these data sets to the new server
provides additional redundancy in the hardware used to insert the products,
as well as relieving dependencies on the AFS file system.
On September 27, the ENSEMBLE data sets being delivered by CONDUIT will
transition from the tgftp.nws.noaa.gov files to the GRIB2 files found
The global ensembles currently comprise 10 members. In the near future,
NCEP will increase the number of members to 14, as well as provide additional
parameters. Sample LDM patterns for ensemble data can be found at:
On October 17, the remaining NAM, RUC and GFS files already distributed by
CONDUIT will change origination to the NCEP file names.
Please send any questions you may have to
> and the one to save in pqact.conf:
> ^/afs/.nwstg.nws.noaa.gov/ftp/SL.us008001/ST.opnl/MT.gfs_CY.(..)/RD.(........)/PT.grid_DF.gr1/fh.0(...)_tl.press_gr.onedeg
> FILE data/conduit/gfs.\2/gblav.t\1z.pgrbf\3
You will see from URL for GFS data in Chiz's message:
that you will need to change both your ldmd.conf request line(s) and
your pqact.conf processing line(s).
I just looked and see that you are not subscribed to the conduit email
list; this is why you did not know about the change. I have taken the
liberty to subscribe you to the conduit list.
As a reminder, you can always use the LDM 'notifyme' facility to see what
your upstream feed site is receiving for any/all datastreams. For instance,
you could use:
<as 'ldm'>
notifyme -vxl- -f CONDUIT -o 10000 -h idd.unidata.ucar.edu
This will list out the CONDUIT data that our IDD relay cluster is receiving.
Also, you can use the '-p <pattern>' flag on notifyme to test out regular
expression patterns for use in ldmd.conf request lines and pqact.conf action
lines. Given the change of names in the CONDUIT datastream, you should start
off trying '-p prog/gfs.*pgrb[^2]' pattern in your notifyme command:
notifyme -vxl- -f CONDUIT -o 10000 -h idd.unidata.ucar.edu -p
(note the quotes around the pattern!)
As soon as you create the pattern that gives you exactly what you want, use
it in your ldmd.conf request line(s). Please remember that you will also need
to update your pqact.conf action(s).
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PWJ-189444
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed