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Re: NCEP TIGGE parameters


The LDM servers have to be configured with the ECMWF LDM hostname.

Also, in your entry below, you should be using idd.cise-nsf.gov alias
rather than the single machine name atm.geo. Any, the PRIMARY and
Alternate keywords are unnecessary with the current LDM distruibution
since LDM 6.4
wich now has the capability to automatically shift the feed requests
on the data reception

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 11:39 -0600, Doug Schuster wrote:
> Steve,
> Can ECMWF access these parameters off CONDUIT without any additional
> permission?
> I sent them a copy of my ldmd.conf that uses:
> REQUEST CONDUIT "data/nccf/com/gens/.*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu PRIMARY
> REQUEST CONDUIT "TIGGE.*"       idd.unidata.ucar.edu PRIMARY
> REQUEST CONDUIT "^.status\.*data/nccf/com/gens/.*"  
> idd.unidata.ucar.edu PRIMARY
> REQUEST CONDUIT "^.status.*TIGGE.*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu PRIMARY
> REQUEST CONDUIT "data/nccf/com/gens/.*" atm.geo.nsf.gov ALTERNATE
> REQUEST CONDUIT "TIGGE.*"       atm.geo.nsf.gov ALTERNATE
> REQUEST CONDUIT "^.status.*TIGGE.*" atm.geo.nsf.gov ALTERNATE
> REQUEST CONDUIT "^.status\.*data/nccf/com/gens/.*" atm.geo.nsf.gov  
> Doug
Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>