For the CONDUIT files on the idd, the NAM files will match with
"MT.nam", and the new ensemble files will match with "prod/gefs". The
other parts of your request line shown below will have no effect since
there are no longer MT.eta headers in the data
stream, and the bmoav and cy23r strings don't match any CONDUIT
A single request line for nam and ensembles (which will receive the
status files) can look like:
request CONDUIT "ST.opnl/MT.nam|prod/gefs"
If you want all the status files for the other products too, but just
the NAM and Ensemble grids, then
request CONDUIT "status|ST.opnl/MT.nam|prod/gefs"
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 22:10 +0200, Christian Pagé wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> WIth the new name change for GFS ensemble data in the CONDUIT feed:
> how this affects the regex used in ldmd.conf feed configuration?
> I currently have:
> request CONDUIT "(status)|(ST.opnl/MT.(eta|nam|bmoav|cy23r|ensg))"
> How must I change this request to take into account of the name changes?
> I am not sure how I should update this request line.
> Regards,
Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>