>Its hard to speed learn this stuff....I am not getting it, I tried the >following script, and read help on line, but I am missing something. Are >the parameters that are blank supposed to be filled in? I am just trying to >get one cross section for one time. I get a lot of nanosleep: Invalid >argument errors? Jennie, Many GEMPAK parameters will guess reasonable defaults if left blank. Running the script as is (which changing your hardcoded GDFILE name to GFS003 so that I get the latest GFS003 run (using the $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl template), I produce the output as attached. If you are seeing alot of nanosleep errors, try running: cleanup -c You may have had a number of hung gplt processes and message queues that needed to get cleared out. Your glibc is probably old which is leading to that warning message. Steve Chiswell Unidata User SUpport Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: WSK-433263 Department: Support CONDUIT Priority: Normal Status: Open
Description: GIF image