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19991011: May 3 case study
- Subject: 19991011: May 3 case study
- Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:22:38 -0600
As Bob mentioned, the data is not SAO or metar, or other standard
format. It looks like wherever you got the data from, they keep
an ascii decode for some package. The data obviously has the
station ID, lat,lon,elev,hour,temp,dewpt etc parsed out.
Since METAR and SAO reports do not have station lats/lons-
everyone has to merge that data in at some point.
The data is not GEMPAK or McIDAS data- those are binary files. Nor
is it NetCDF or WXP.
For your information, the data sets for this COMET Casestudy
are on line at:
for download via CODIAC or on 8mm tape.
Steve Chiswell
On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Bob Rozumalski wrote:
> Kevin;
> What you have is not SAO data but what appears to be already decoded
> metar data in some format. There are no SAO data anymore.
> Where did you get these data? I'm not familiar with the ".lso"
> extension on the files. Mike trexler should be archiving the raw
> metar data and will be happy to provide you with the files.
> You'll then be able to use the gempak metar decoders.
> PS - EVERBODY is working on this case.
> Also, you might want to ask Steve Chiswell at UNIDATA (address@hidden)
> for help getting the data into gempak format. He is the university support
> person for GEMPAK and is familiar with the decoders that you are using.
> Bob
> #
> #Is there such a script as sao-to-gem? I have a bunch of sao data from the
> May 3
> # tornado outbreak, but getting GEMPAK to swallow it has been unsuccessful so
> far
> #. I've done the sfcfil and sfedit, but sfedit won't take all the
> parameters. I
> #'m not even sure if this file is in the proper format. Here's a sample:
> #
> #03-MAY-1999 00:00:00.00 0 0 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 9999
> # 1V4 44.42 -72.01 217. SA 0000
> # 69.1 35.1 -100. 4. -100. -100. -99.9 1021.7 1022.1
> # 0 -99.9 -99.9 -99.9 -99.900 -99.9 -99
> # 2WX 45.57 -103.52 881. SA 0000
> # 59.0 44.1 140. 22. 140. 28. -99.9 996.8 997.0
> # 0 -99.9 -99.9 -99.9 -99.900 -99.9 -99
> #
> #That's the beginning of it. The extension of the files is .lso, but I don't
> kno
> #w if that makes any difference. Is this considered raw or decoded data? I
> know
> # what some numbers are, but not others. Can I pump it through dchrly? Do I
> als
> #o have to change that date to make it all numerical?
> #
> #Kevin
> #----------------------------------
> #E-Mail: Kevin M. Lux <address@hidden>
> #Date: 11-Oct-99
> #Time: 11:33:13
> #
> #This brain has performed an illegal operation and must be shut down.
> #----------------------------------