Hello, As I mentioned Microsoft changed their Visual Studio Build Tools files. We finally found the new install process that works and will be updating our documentation to reflect this soon, but in the mean time these are the new instructions: -Remove from your Apps and features: AWIPS CAVE, Miniconda3, and Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools -Remove caveData folder from your user's home directory -Reinstall Miniconda3 -Download the 2019 Build Tools (I used version 16.9) https://my.visualstudio.com/Downloads?q=build%20tools%202019&pgroup= -Start installing it - select the "C++ Build tools" and on the right make sure that both the MSVC v142 - VS 2019 AND MSVC v140 - VS2015 are selected (there are a few more packages that are checked by default and those are fine) - see attachment -Verify your environment variables are still correct -Once installed click the "Launch" button from the Visual Studio Installer -In two separate commands, first install numpy pip install numpy==1.15.1 -Then install jep pip install jep==3.8.2 -Then install CAVE and you *shouldn't* have any issues displaying derived parameters Let us know if you have any issues. Thanks, Tiffany Meyer AWIPS Lead Software Engineer UCAR-Unidata If you're interested, please feel free to fill out a survey about the support you receive: https://forms.gle/tKG5SY9YJw4vBRVXA Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: KDH-311456 Department: Support AWIPS Priority: Normal Status: Open =================== NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
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