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[AWIPS #CXN-854188]: Missing shared library
- Subject: [AWIPS #CXN-854188]: Missing shared library
- Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:36:49 -0500
>We are having an issue with AWIPS2 in RHEL 7 Linux.
>When we start cave, it quits after a few seconds.
>Can you assist ?
>Here are the details....
>RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.9
>Dell 7525 Server with 48 CPU Cores, 125 Gb RAM.
>Nvidia RTX 6000 GPU with Nvidia drivers, version 396.37
>Local Storage - Raid 5, 1.4 Tb disk space
>On internal enterprise network protected by firewalls.
>Ports 443 (HTTPS) and 80 (HTTP) have been opened on network firewall
>Zscaler certificate installed to allow outbound SSL traffic.
>Running cave as normal unprivileged user. Cave begins.
>The initial GUI is rendered, then quits after a few seconds.
>The maps never show.
>Ran cave with no redirect (cave -noredirect).
>Displays this error message:
>Processing World request: 0
>Processing Canada request: 1
>Processing State Boundaries request: 2
>Completed Canada request: 1
>[xcb] Too much data requested from _XRead
>[xcb] This is most likely caused by a broken X extension library
>[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
>java: xcb_io.c:742: _XRead: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_too_much_data_requested'
>Running cave with GFE perspective (cave -perspective GFE) gives same error.
>Maps never show.
Are you remotely accessing the machine you are running CAVE on or physically
sitting on the machine looking at the screen? Where are you seeing those errors
- in the terminal? Are you running CAVE as the user awips (as it was created
from the awips_install.sh script)? What is your output when running a "rpm -qa
| grep xcb"?
These are the xcb rpms versions that I have installed and currently working (on
Tiffany Meyer
AWIPS Lead Software Engineer
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CXN-854188
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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