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[AWIPS #LWN-904229]: Displaying Full Disk Through Python DAF

Hi Justin,

That is all good to know.  I do believe that CAVE is "smarter" about pulling 
data from EDEX, and
does use tiling and resolution limiting methods to help pull the "appropriate" 
amount of data.
I don't think anything like that is built into the DAF since it doesn't really 
know what view or
resolution you're needing the data in.

Also, I just want to mention, the notebook I sent you last night, uses cartopy 
and contourf instead
of pcolormesh.  Three of the four sectors you are interested in contain 
"off-body" data (they have
space in the image), and because of this several of the data and lat/lon values 
are NaN.  It has 
been noted that pcolormesh does not do well with NaN entries (even if you try 
to remove them, which
I did) and that contourf does not have this issue.  With contourf you can plot 
coastlines and 
boundaries which may be helpful.  It was running in a reasonable amount of time 
(~2 min or so), and
like I said, I broke up the products into a few cells, so it's not all running 
in one shot.

If you can't open the notebook, let me know and I will try to convert it to 
something else more 
useful (text or pdf).

--Shay Carter

AWIPS Software Engineer
UCAR - Unidata

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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LWN-904229
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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